Thursday, 19 April 2012

artificial nails, how they began

A nail is the outer structure, composed of keratin, that grows from a tuck in the skin and protects part of the fleshy tip of a finger or toe. 
In years past, there has been the development of artificial nails to intensify the beauty of the natural nail and how this technique came about is a mystery.
History has it that, rich women in the Ming dynasty used to wear very long artificial nails to distinguish themselves from the poor once.
artificial nail designs of ancient Greek.
In Egyptian times, women had artificial nails created from gold, bones and even ivory to make them look more beautiful and appealing.
more designs from ancient times.
In the year 1954,in Philadelphia, Fred Slack, a dentist once hurt his finger nail while working. He took a piece of solid foil, made the first false nail in the world and covered it with restorative material. He filed it and was surprised at the result, the nail looked natural and the pain passed at once. The dentist carried on his experiments using acrylic toothpaste and nail forms. Soon his brother Tom joined him and they patented their invention starting the company, 'Patti nails'.
These days, artificial nails have become popular all over the world gaining its popularity from america.
the artificial nails were made to look just like natural nails and the colours were perfected by using pigments which looked like the teeth and the skin. Originally, Polymers and Monomers mix was used to create the nails. It was applied over the natural nail and was extended onto a supporting material. It was left to harden and then it was shaped to look more like a natural nail. This was known as an acrylic artificial nail. So these days when you hear the term acrylic artificial nails, you know that they have been created using Polymer powder and Monomer liquid. 


  1. wow!artificial nails in class ranking at Ming? and to think it could actually be made from bones and gold is mind blowing. i think it is about time i tried it.

    1. yes eve, they were used to distinguish the poor from the rich, and as for trying it, why not? they will look spectacular on you.

  2. Nice blog. Aesthetically beautiful and the subject is interesting but am just wondering how you can sustain this issue. Another concern is that you never introduce your blog. There is no introductory page. You should have a page that introduces your blog and also an about page advertising you. BTW your picture on the profile page is good. Another thing, if you sourced anything from another website or blog respectfully link it to acknowledge your source. I am aware that the history comes from someone's web site.

    1. Thanks kodwo, but i thought my profile was enough to advertise me, but thank you so much for your advice.

  3. You have such a beautiful and amazing collection of artificial nails products. It feels so good to see you that you are following your pashion.
